Artist List
Santa Fe Trails Fine Art is honored to represent the following fine artists.
Brandon Bailey, CAA
Wayne Baize, CAA
Ty Barhaug
Phil Beck
Ashwini Bharathula
James Black
Lee Bogle
Jenny Booth
Heather Burton
Tammy Callens
Cheri Cappello
Betty Carr
Vicki Catapano
Todd Connor, CAA
Dee Beard Dean
Wayne Delyea
Dan Deuter
Mikel Donahue, CAA
Jeremy Doss
Deon Duncan
Jimmy Dyer
Supaya Gray Wolfe
Hugh Greer
Jordyn Payne Guthrie
Dustin Payne, CAA
Vic Payne
Mark Pettit
John Potter
Jerry Ricketson
Larry Riley
Jerry Salinas
Dave Santillanes
Garland Sawyers
Steve Schrepferman
Sandy Scott
Suzie Seerey-Lester
Alexander Selytin
Andrzej Skorut
Dennis Smith
Jack Sorenson, CAA
Gene Speck
Scott Streadbeck
Ezra Tucker
Kimbal Warren
Sean Witucki
Jim Woodark
Pete Zaluzec