Wind River Sentinel
Dustin Payne
19H x 14W x 7D
For Sale
“I try to put meaningful aspects into my work that will give the viewer things to think about, although they can mean different things to different people. To me, the broken wagon wheel (at the foot of the horse), puts this warrior on lookout for wagon trains that passed through the southern part of the Wind River Mountain Range in Central Wyoming. This place is also known as South Pass on what was the Oregon Trail. Several tribes are around this area, most notably though are the Shoshone tribe. The old beat-up wagon wheel along with the title “Wind River Sentinel”, I thought would tell this story in a neat way. My dad used to take me on trips to South Pass as a boy where there are still structures of an Old West town. It was a common custom for the Plains tribes to paint symbols on their horses. The circle was thought to give the animal extra keen eye-sight for the journey they were on. ”